The Best Skincare Routine for Daytime and Night-time - Santeva
The Best Skincare Routine for Daytime and Night-time

The Best Skincare Routine for Daytime and Night-time

Posted by Santeva Health and Beauty on May 4th 2020

As a girl, you might have a huge collection of skincare products lying around on your shelves, but are you using them right? We often forget that the product does not work magically; it works when we use it right. Imagine wearing retinol in sunlight – yes, damaging! It is necessary to know when and how to use products, especially the harsh ones. You never know how your skin will react to a strange method, so stick to the required one for the time being.

Although there are many tricks and techniques, first, you need to understand your skin and how it works. Just because your friend’s skin reacted perfectly to a product does not mean it will work wonders for you too.

Every skincare regimen is different, just like every skin is different. Those products that are perfect for oily skin might not be working for the dry skin as well.

So, the first step – evaluate your skin until you discover what suits you and whatnot. Remind you, this can be tough and time-consuming, but once you are done with it, you will see the difference for yourself.

Why do you need a skincare routine?

Everyone needs a skin care routine, but why? Why is it so necessary to take care of yourself?

Well, why do we drink water? Why do we eat proteins? What’s the difference if we skip them? Your organs will start failing!

Similarly, the skin is also an organ and not to mention the largest organ. How can you imagine not taking care of it when it is all that people see when they first meet you?

Taking care of skin from an early age starts showing its signs during your 40s. If you have always neglected your skin and have never paid attention to it, then the damage is inevitable. Sometimes, we are so busy in life that we forget ourselves, so why not start prioritizing?

A good skincare routine can solve hundreds of your skin problems, but make sure you are choosing the right products to begin with. Here are the daytime and nighttime skincare routines that you need to follow.

Morning Skincare Routine for You

Morning is the best time to show some love to yourself. Always wake up a little early, so you are not in any rush to go anywhere. If you have several skin problems, then do not assume that they will vanish in a week.

Give yourself some time and be patient in the whole process. Good things will come, but only if you are patient. Choose the right products for these steps; otherwise, everything will go into waste.

Now that you know what type of skin you have to make sure to use products accordingly. The patch test is the perfect way to begin the testing. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s begin with the skincare routine steps.

Wash Your Face

A refreshing, hydrating, and moisturizing cleanser is all you want to start your day. Hydration and moisturization are crucial for every skin – even if you have oily or combination skin. The morning routine is incomplete without incorporating a good cleanser in it.

Your pillowcase can contain germs, dust, bacteria, and whatnot. In order to start your day, it is necessary to get rid of all the dirt on your skin. You can try out Santeva Intense Clarifying Cleanser that can do wonders for your skin. The cleanser is filled with some fantastic natural and organic ingredients that will give your skin a brightening effect and remove all the impurities from it.


Toner is important for your skin. Once you wash your face, it is essential to apply a tone for ultimate cleansing. A good toner can cleanse your skin from its roots, hydrate it, and keep your skin’s pH in balance. If you are having uneven skin tone, pigmentation, ingrown hairs, acne, blackheads, and whatnot – toner is the answer for you.

The best way to apply a toner is by patting the skin dry after washing it, then taking a small quantity of the toner on cotton and swabbing it onto your face. Once done, you are good to go. Remember, it’s not a cream, so avoid applying it like that.

If you are in search of a good toner, then check out Santeva Intense Triple-Strength Toning Milk that offers intense hydration. It is one of the best toners that you can buy!

Apply a Serum

The serum is a great option for instant moisturization. Vitamin C is one of the best ingredients in serums that can turn your skin upside down in no time. Not only does it contribute to skin brightening, but it also aids in collagen production. With time, our skin can lose its elasticity, but with Vitamin C, you can tighten it again and remove the signs of aging. Apart from it, the serum can also protect you from the damaging UV rays.

If you are looking for a good quality Vitamin C serum, then try out the Santeva Brightening Vitamin C serum that is made for all skin types. This serum will soon become your go-to product due to its magnificence. The incredible ingredients in the serum are to-die-for. Do check it out!

Use an Eye gel

Done with the serum? Not root for an eye gel. Why are we referring to using an eye gel? For the same reason, we are advising the skincare products. Eyes speak louder than anything else, and dull eyes can steal your charm, so how to recover it? With the help of a fantastic eye gel!

If you are a night owl, then this product is essential for you. Although adequate sleep is necessary, a good eye gel will cover some of the damage for you. Use it every day to see the difference.

Moisturize Your Face

All of the products mentioned above are moisturizing, but you will still need a moisturizer. Using an excellent hydrator on your skin can lock the moisture on your skin and prevent it from developing acne and other skin problems.

Apply a generous amount of moisturizer on your face every day to protect it from further damage. If you are using the right moisturizer, you might even get rid of the past damage on your skin.

Use Sun Protection

UV rays can severely damage your skin, and if you are not doing anything to protect it, you will regret it later. Using sunscreen on the skin is as important as proteins for your body, never skip it. Check out the fantastic Santeva Brightening Sunscreen that is specially designed to provide the highest protection against sunlight. Always apply a generous amount of sunscreen on your skin before heading out.

Nighttime Skincare Routine for You

Now that you are done with your morning routine, why opt for a nighttime skincare routine as well? Your skin needs protection 24/7 despite day or night. In fact, the night is the perfect time for your skin to get back on its feet. You are sleeping and have no worry in the world to think of, so take advantage of this time!

Remove Makeup

Removing makeup is extremely important for your face. No matter if you are a fan of Kylie Jenner or Kim Kardashian, you cannot expect to look like them at all times. Now, some women who are makeup bloggers or influencers need more care than others.

Excessive use of makeup on your skin means unlimited chemicals that can damage it. If you are using heavy coverage on your skin every day, then you must use more than wipes to clean it off.

Before going to bed, the first thing you need is to clean the makeup, dirt, oils, and whatnot on your skin. Try using a hard product instead of just skin wipes or follow two or three steps along with a face wash to remove it. If you cannot take makeup off completely, try avoiding heavy coverage.

Cleanse Your Face

Now that you have removed your makeup, it’s time for cleansing. Cleansing can help you get rid of any extra impurities on your skin that were not removed with wipes. Cleansing ensures that your pores are cleansed so that you do not get pimples or acne.

You can use the same cleanser that you used in the morning, but make sure you keep cleansing your face for a good 5 minutes at least. Once done, wipe it off your face and move to the next step.


Here comes the next step, which is exfoliation. Although you do not have to repeat this step every day, it is advised to do it every two days. As women, we cannot stop using makeup on our skin, and that can cost us more than we imagine. However, if we are removing it perfectly, then there is less risk of developing any skin problem.

Exfoliation helps in cleaning pores and giving your skin a smooth texture. A good exfoliator is not harsh on the skin. Make sure you are scrubbing your skin with soft hands to avoid rashes. Nowadays, chemical exfoliators are a big thing in the market that are made with natural ingredients. The chemical exfoliators do not require traditional scrubbing; instead, they are serum-type products that naturally exfoliate your skin. Opt for such products and make sure you are using them perfectly to avoid any damage.

Apply a Serum

Although scrubbing is excellent for skin, it can make your skin dry at times. Use a good serum on your skin to avoid dryness. You can opt for the same Vitamin C serum that you used in the morning. If you want to apply a different serum, then choose one according to your skin type. It is recommended not to switch between products as it can harm your skin quickly. Apart from it, using many products on your face on the same day can make your skin react in a bad way. Avoid it at all costs and stick to basics for some time.

Use an Eye Serum

An eye serum at night means more chance of getting rid of your dark circles. Bright eyes bring more attention than anything else, using an eye gel at night will work wonders for you. Over the night, the product will have enough time to work without any interruption. No touching your face or dirt from surroundings, so never skip the eye gel at night if you want to get rid of your dull eyes.

Moisturize your Face

A good moisturizer at night can bring significant benefits to your skin. If you are 25+, then it is recommended to switch to a retinol-based moisturizer at night. Retinol is a great ingredient that can make your skin glow again and retain its original texture. Make sure to apply the retinol cream on the dry face; otherwise, the water will steal its effect.

Moisturizing at night can revive your skin, replenish it and help you get rid of discoloration, acne, and other skin problems as well. Do your bit and wait for the results. Check out Santeva Retinol Brightening Cream for excellent results.


Once you start caring for your skin, there’s no going back. It’s easy to cry over the damage, but it takes effort to take care of your skin. As we age, our skin starts to show the signs of all the carelessness we have done towards it. Why take chances?

Following a good skincare routine for day and night will help your skin collagen production, replenishing it, brightening it, and whatnot. If you have good skin, you will feel highly confident even without any makeup.

The steps mentioned above are strictly necessary if you are new to a skincare routine. Do not root for harsh products; try to test your skin and see the results.

Stick to a skincare regimen and give your skin the food it needs. Do not regret later, and take the step today. Revive your skin in the best possible way.