N-acetyl Cysteine Benefits You Need for Glowing Skin and Overall Health - Santeva
N-acetyl Cysteine Benefits You Need for Glowing Skin and Overall Health

N-acetyl Cysteine Benefits You Need for Glowing Skin and Overall Health

Posted by Santeva on Dec 25th 2021

You may be wondering what is n-acetyl cysteine. It feels like a mouthful to say so many just refer to it as NAC. This is the supplement form of cysteine, a semi-essential amino acid. It’s dubbed semi because your body produces it from serine and methionine. Cysteine becomes essential when your dietary intake of both is inadequate. Fortunately, you can address deficiencies by taking a good NAC supplement. Check outn-acetyl cysteine benefits below:

Promotes the Production of Glutathione

N-acetyl cysteine plays a huge part in the antioxidant process. It is needed to replenish your body’s glutathione stores. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals and oxidative stress. Your body needs it to fight cell damage.

Moreover, glutathione is vital for boosting your immunity to fight germs, viruses, bacteria, and other chronic diseases like heart disease or psoriasis. Many researchers believe that glutathione contributes to longevity, so n-acetyl cysteine (NAC) supplementation is essential to ensure you have enough glutathione.

Aids in Detoxification to Preserve Liver and Kidneys

Every day, you are exposed to many environmental toxins. Even cautious people are inevitably exposed to pollutants in the air or food. The organs that filter out these toxic substances are your kidneys and liver. To prevent organ failure, you need NAC as it aids in your body’s detoxification process. Studies show it has the power to reduce drug side effects and environmental toxins. In fact, doctors regularly administer NAC intravenously for patients with an acetaminophen overdose to minimize liver and kidney damage.

Helps Manage Psychiatric Disorders and Addiction

One of the important jobs of NAC is regulating glutamate levels, a brain neurotransmitter. Glutamate is essential for regulating normal brain action. However, excess amounts of glutamate coupled with insufficient glutathione can lead to brain damage. This can result in the following:



lObsessive-Compulsive Behavior or OCD

lAddictive behavior

lBipolar disorder

Patients who suffer from these issues and people with a strong family history of these problems will benefit from taking NAC to decrease their symptoms and improve their function. NAC will efficiently regulate glutamate and glutathione to aid individuals with these conditions effectively.

Boosts Brain Health

Since NAC regulates glutamate and replenishes glutathione, you can expect this supplement to boost your brain health. How does this work? Glutamate is responsible for many things like:

lMemory actions


lBroad range of learning

Meanwhile, glutathione reduces oxidation in your brain, preventing brain cell death that’s associated with aging. Thus, you can expect to improve your memory and overall brain function. Research indicates that NAC slows down the onset of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Relieves Respiratory Problems

If you have respiratory issues that make breathing difficult, NAC will alleviate symptoms by acting as an expectorant and antioxidant. First, it loosens the mucus in your airways for easy expulsion. Then, NAC will replenish lung glutathione levels, reducing inflammation in lung tissue and bronchial tubes. Studies show that NAC supplements significantly improve lung function, even for people with COPD asthma, cystic fibrosis, or nasal allergies, and prevent further lung decline.

Improves Fertility for Females and Males

Infertility issues can be very frustrating, especially when you are eager to start a family. Male infertility usually increases with insufficient antioxidant levels because free radical in the reproductive organs cause cellular death. Fortunately, taking 600 mg of NAC with 200mcg of selenium has been proven to improve semen quality. Similarly, NAC improves fertility in women with PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome by helping with ovulation.

Stabilizes Blood Sugar Levels

Obesity and excessive sugar in the blood lead to inflamed fat tissues. As a result, the body’s insulin receptors get damaged, increasing the risk for type 2 diabetes. If you want to combat this, NAC stabilizes your blood sugar by alleviating inflammation in the fat cells. When this happens, your body improves its insulin resistance. This means your body regulates sugar better, and you also feel fewer cravings.

Reduces Risk for Heart Disease

Your heart is the most important organ in your body. If it fails, the rest of your organs will slowly die, resulting in multi-organ failure. For this reason, you must fight oxidative damage to heart tissue to prevent heart attacks, high blood pressure, stroke, and other serious complications. Taking NAC will combat oxidative damage and increase nitric oxide production, promoting vein dilation for improved blood flow and circulation.

Fights Cancer Formation

Finally, evidence suggests that NAC defends against cancer formation by neutralizing free radicals that damage DNA. And who doesn’t want less cellular damage? NAC can also reduce the production of inflammatory proteins and cytokines. Remember, tumors or growths are a type of inflammation in your body. On top of that, people undergoing cancer treatment can alleviate side effects with NAC supplementation.

Thus, consuming n-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is crucial for your continued good health. Fortunately, you can find n-acetyl cysteine products in the market, like Santeva’s NAC Glutathione Booster. This wonderful product is a powerful antioxidant that raises immunity and fights diseases.