Best Cream for Hyperpigmentation in 2022 - Santeva
Best Cream for Hyperpigmentation in 2022

Best Cream for Hyperpigmentation in 2022

Posted by Santeva on May 5th 2022

Are you excited to see bright and flawless skin? When it comes to achieving your glowing and youthful skin goals, the number one priority is an even complexion. Unfortunately, unwanted spots and blemishes are a buzzkill whether it’s a singular dark spot from big cystic acne, all-over discoloration patches from the sun, or even dark circles around eyes.

Of course, to make your even skin dreams a reality, you need the best cream for hyperpigmentation. But before we get started, you must first learn the root cause of this problem. From there, you can find ways to mitigate the onset of future dark spots and minimize the appearance of existing ones. Let’s get started!

The Usual Causes of Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is skin discoloration or the formation of dark spots. This is a non-life-threatening skin condition. However, it may affect your self-confidence especially if you have a lot of sun damage, acne marks, and dark circle under eyes. Take comfort in knowing that you are not alone because every person will experience pigmentation at some point in their life.

After all, hyperpigmentation results from the overproduction of melanin in the skin, which is responsible for releasing pigment or color. Usually, extra melanin or dark spots could be triggered by a broad range of reasons such as:

lHormones: Progesterone and estrogen can increase melanin. That’s why most pregnant women have dark spots before giving birth.

lAge: Older people have increased melanocytes, making them more susceptible to pigmentation.

lSun exposure: Sun damage can result in sunspots, sunburns, wrinkles, and photoaging.

lSkin trauma: Pigmentation can result from any type of skin irritation or trauma like acne, waxing, wounds, harsh scrubs, etc.

Whatever the reason, the body’s biological process kicks in and it results in an overproduction of the melanin pigment. And hyperpigmentation is a skin problem that anyone in the world can experience no matter the skin tone. It’s no wonder that hyperpigmentation cream for the body and face discoloration cream are available worldwide.

The Most Effective Cream in the Market

As you embark on your quest for clear and smooth skin, keep these amazing discoloration cream products in your rotation. These various dark spots cream solutions work wonders. Best of all, they contain potent yet gentle active ingredients that can even out complexion. Take a look at these two rock star products:

1. Santeva Intense Discoloration Treatment

Do you want to get rid of dark under eyes and acne marks? You need a tub of Santeva’s Intense Discoloration Treatment. It does as it promises and works on the most intense spots on your face, whether it’s pimple marks, freckles, or melasma. This very concentrated solution also helps you remove dark circles under eyes.

This is a must-have face discoloration cream no matter your skin type because it works for all, including those with sensitive skin. One of its primary active ingredients is azelaic acid, which is naturally derived from grains like barley, oats, rye, and wheat. This component is a tyrosinase inhibitor or blocker, which simply means it prevents hyperpigmentation by interfering with melanin production.

Best of all, research attests that azelaic has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. It addresses acne-causing bacteria from the pores, helping heal existing breakouts and impeding the formation of future ones. It is also beneficial for issues like rosacea because it takes away the redness and irritation. Because it is an antioxidant, it also helps protect against harsh environmental stimuli like the sun.

2. Santeva Intense Rapid Fading Treatment

If you have any issues in your body, like your knees, elbows, underarms, or ankles, the Santeva Intense Rapid Fading Treatment works like a charm to rapidly even out your skin tone. Many happy users even rave about how it helps in minimizing the appearance of annoying stretch marks. This solution works well for large areas because it targets troublesome spots but doesn’t mess up healthy skin.

This fading solution contains two active ingredients that work remarkably well on discoloration. First, there’s kojic acid which scientists say is a natural product that comes from fermenting rice, beans, and sake. It’s highly effective in preventing the formation of tyrosine. Again, this is an amino acid needed for the production of melanin. With a topical kojic acid treatment, you impede melanin formation, resulting in a brightening effect.

Second, this also contains glutathione which also has lightening effects. This also impedes the tyrosinase enzyme. More importantly, it is a very powerful antioxidant that prevents oxidative stress and fights free radicals. This means applying this product to problem areas will prevent exacerbation. At the same time, it assists the immune system in fighting the negative effects of environmental irritants like the sun or pollution which can lead to more skin damage.

Stay Proactive With Skin Care

It is also worth noting that your curative treatments for pigmentation will not work if you don’t stay vigilant with prevention. Bear in mind, that no matter what products you use to tackle discoloration, it will not work if you’re not diligent with sun protection. You need at least SPF 30 when you go out every single day. Don’t make the mistake of ditching sunscreen during winter because harsh rays can still penetrate the atmosphere and wreak havoc on your skin.

Most of all, be patient and consistent with the application of your skincare products. Cleanse your face daily, eat nutritious food, stay hydrated, and religiously apply your hyperpigmentation creams. The active ingredients have a compounding effect so you need regular use to see visible improvements. With the right mindset and habits, you can achieve healthy glowing skin.