How to Burn Belly Fat? - Santeva
How to Burn Belly Fat?

How to Burn Belly Fat?

Posted by Santeva on Aug 18th 2022

Belly fat does more harm than ruining your look when you fit clothes. If they include visceral fat, it puts you at risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other illnesses. The problem is, belly fat burning is not that easy. Fortunately, a few proven tricks will help you lose your flappy belly and get a flat one.

7 Tricks to Lose Belly Fat

Don’t let your dream of a flat stomach remain just that. Achieve it using these tips and enjoy its benefits later.

1. Add more soluble fibers to your diet.

Soluble fibers help you feel full faster as they slow digestion, making you consume less and possibly reduce your calorie intake. Eat more oats, fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread, legumes, and beans. The US Dietary Guidelines state that women should eat at least 25 grams of fiber daily.

2. Increase your protein intake.

Like fiber, protein fills you up for a long time. And if you decide to try strength training as a fat burner, protein does its work of fixing tiny muscle tears. It also replaces the fat with stronger and bigger muscles. It helps if you can eat 70 grams of protein or more and consume it before you work out. You can also eat another protein-filled snack after gym time.

3. Learn to love walking.

If you’re the type who cannot stick to an exercise routine, give walking a try. Research showed that obese women who walked for 50 to 70 minutes three times a week for 12 weeks reduced their visceral fat more than women who are sedentary.

4. Start lifting.

Strength training is an excellent addition to aerobic exercises like walking. It develops muscle mass, which is a great fat burner. Developing more muscles will improve your metabolic rate while exercising and resting.

You can combine weight lifting with belly fat burning pills like Santeva Slim Me supplements. These pills help you lose weight because one of their ingredients is garcinia cambogia. It is a tropical fruit that contains hydroxycitric acid that prevents the body from storing fat. Instead, the HCA improves your metabolism so you can burn more calories.

5. Eat more healthy fats but avoid trans fats.

Healthy fats include polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which are also filling. You can find these in fatty fish, olive oil eggs, avocados, and nuts.

However, it would help if you avoid trans fats found in processed foods, spreads, and margarine. These fats increase your risk of heart disease, inflammation, and belly fat gain. Make it a habit to read the label before you buy food.

6. Cut down on carbs.

According to Johns Hopkins research, a low-carb diet works better than a low-fat one. Both diets helped participants lose weight, but those who had the former lost more fat than lean tissue compared to those who had the latter. A low-carb diet is more effective at belly fat burning than a low-fat meal plan.

7. Manage your stress levels.

Stress can trigger belly fat gain by stimulating the adrenal glands to release the stress hormone called cortisol. High cortisol production is linked to increased appetite and the body’s tendency to store abdominal fat.

Try to meditate, practice yoga, or engage in fun activities that can eliminate stress to lower the release of cortisol. Like how you apply the right products to prevent premature aging from stress, find more things that can effectively manage stress and its effects on your belly fat and the rest of the body.

Reasons to Lose Belly Fat

Visceral fat found in belly fat is dangerously closed to vital organs, including the kidneys, liver, and other digestive organs. Like other organs in the body, fat can also produce chemicals in the blood that can change hormone levels.

Leaving your belly fat as it is can increase your risk of cardiometabolic issues, such as hypertension and clogged arteries. It can also develop inflammatory responses that lower your immunity against viruses and infections.

Combined with the abovementioned tricks, you can boost your efforts by taking Santeva Slim Me pills. They contain a safe and effective ingredient that works as a natural fat burner and weight loss product. Make it a great jumpstarter to your weight loss journey.

The Bottom Line

Belly fat does not only ruin your fashion choices and appearance. It can also ruin your health, so you should start a belly fat burning routine immediately. You can start by switching to a low-fat meal plan, walking more, trying strength training, and reducing your stress.

If you want a natural helper to get better weight loss results, Santeva Slim Me works. Thanks to garcinia cambogia, you can say goodbye to belly fat and say hello to a healthier and happier you.