How to Prevent Premature Aging? - Santeva
How to Prevent Premature Aging?

How to Prevent Premature Aging?

Posted by Santeva on Mar 6th 2022

The natural aging process is a part of life. With the passage of time, it is natural for wrinkles and fine lines to appear on your face. Your skin loses its youthfulness because it loses collagen. On top of that, the skin becomes thinner and a lot more dry because of changes in hormones. Your genes play a big part in the process and so does your lifestyle. The latter can result in premature aging.

Your environment and habits can affect your skin. If you want to avoid premature aging skin, you must take preventive action to slow things down. What you do from the food you eat to activities you engage in can hasten the aging process. Don’t look older than your real age! Instead, defy time by keeping your youthful glow. Follow these preventive tips to slow the effect of the aging process. Fool people into thinking you’ve found the fountain of youth.

Always Wear Sunblock

The sun plays a huge factor in premature aging because its UVA and UVB rays resulting in photoaging. Studies show these harsh rays cause oxidative stress that results in sunspots, fine lines, pigmentation, and wrinkles. Thus, sun protection is essential no matter the season. Whether you’re lounging on the beach or running errands in winter, you must slather on a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30. Even on cloudy days, UV rays reach the atmosphere and impact the skin. Avoid sun damage by never leaving home without sunblock, and constantly reapply it throughout the day. Use a tinted sunblock like this one.

Rethink Your Tanning Habit

Tanned skin is burnt skin! Each time you bake in the sun, you prematurely age your skin. This is dangerous because it won’t just promote the formation of hyperpigmentation and wrinkles, but tanning can lead to melanoma or skin cancer. Instead of tanning under the sun or using UV tanning beds, use a self-tanning lotion. This product gives you the same radiant glow without the harmful effects of UV rays. Avoid the latter at all costs because they accelerate aging.

Stop Smoking

If you’re still smoking, now is the time to quit. Smoking can cause lung cancer and result in chronic illnesses like high blood pressure and diabetes. Not only that, nicotine and other toxic carcinogens in tobacco smoke age the skin quickly. That’s not surprising because smoking depletes your blood of oxygen and nutrients. When your skin cells starve, it will result in a dull and sallow complexion that’s full of wrinkles.

Avoid Doing the Same Expressions

Bear in mind, each time you make a facial expression, your underlying muscles in the face contract. When you contract the same area repeatedly for years, the lines become more prominent and permanent. If you tend to squint when it’s sunny, wearing sunglasses will help you stop these expressions. Staying mindful of what goes on in the day will also help you monitor your expressions.

Eat a Healthy Diet

As the famous adage goes, you are what you eat. Eating fruits, veggies, and lean protein will help you attain supple, smooth skin. An antioxidant-rich diet will boost immunity and help your cells regenerate and heal. Collagen is also good for the skin because the body’s collagen stores get depleted with age. This protein is responsible for making your skin firm and supple. Moreover, avoid taking in excessive calories from processed foods as this only accelerates aging. If you want to stay healthy, fill nutrient gaps with supplements from a reputable company as these are the most bio-available, which your body can readily process and absorb.

Avoid Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Too much alcohol will damage your liver, and you’ll know it because your skin will turn yellowish. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption because this will dehydrate your skin. Besides, research indicates that the compounds in alcohol deprive your skin of moisture and nutrients which the skin needs to look radiant and youthful. Over time, this will result in skin damage, which will make you look older.

Find Time for Exercise

If you are wondering how to reverse premature aging, regular exercise is the answer. Doing cardio and strength training at least four times a week will not only give you a healthy heart, but it will also boost your immune system. When your body is primed to fight free radicals, you will have a more youthful appearance. Besides, with improved circulation, your skin cells will receive oxygenated and nutrient-rich blood. As a result, this amplifies cellular turnover, giving you that youthful glow.

Follow a Skincare Routine

Cleanse your skin with gentle face wash or soap to remove makeup, pollutants, dead skin, and other harmful debris without irritating your face. Avoid over scrubbing as this can irritate your skin and accelerate again. Apply moisturizer on damp skin because this will trap moisture and protect your skin barrier. As a result, your skin will look more supple, silky, soft, and smooth. For best results, stop using harsh products that sting because they will cause inflammation and irritation that can make you look older.

Make Changes ASAP

Remember, even if you already have premature skin aging, you can still reverse the damage if you tweak your lifestyle. Make it a point to protect yourself from the sun because this gives your skin the chance to repair and heal itself. Taking in collagen and glutathione supplements will also help your body heal from within. Gentle Rapid Fading Treatments applied on the face are also less-invasive solutions for smoothing out wrinkles, removing pigmentation, and tightening the skin. Retaining younger-looking skin doesn’t have to be a far-fetched fantasy. It can be your reality by keeping a consistent facial care routine and making conscious healthy lifestyle choices.